Buy Now Pay Later

Buy Now Send Later

It's not always possible to send 8 to 12 staff all at once to a one day course; however, you still need your staff to be trained and compliant, without over stretching your staff team

We understand this, so we have an option which gives you flexibility, at a great price.


Lets say you need 12 people to complete a Moving and Handling of People course and want to send your staff to be trained over the next 3 months, sometimes just one person, or a couple at a time. Phone 0333 188 1390 to book 10 or more course spaces, or fill out the enquiry form below. 

We will apply a 15% discount to the order and give you forward visibility of when the course will be running. You simply then call 0333 188 1390 and book in the staff to the courses dates to suit your needs.

You benefit from the total course rate for 10 or more people, but get a discount on the price.

This offer is available on all open courses.

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